Evolution of Grace: The Teaser
That was then. THIS IS NOW!
Presently Grace Community meets where ever two or three are gathered together in His name. Grace has evolved. Once a traditional parish church where people gathered for discipleship and worship, Grace Community is now a missionary church taking the Good News to the incarcerated, those behind prison walls. Grace is all about “Grace and Truth Inside”.
From a recent grant request:
“That is enough for now about mechanics and dollars. More important is to communicate what I do. The elevator talk would be built around this:
What do you do? Communicate grace.
Why communicate grace? Because grace transforms lives.
What is your role? To communicate grace where others can’t or won’t.
What is lost is if you don’t communicate grace? Hope.
God has blessed me with an ability to disarm the most hostile to Gospel ministry. Part of that is who I am, the way God made me. Part is circumstantial. An older man willing to listen to incarcerated youth is a rare thing. And the common denominator for incarcerated youth is 85% have no father. He is absent because he himself is incarcerated, addicted, a deadbeat, or dead often having died a violent death. After five years I am still amazed how quickly I know more about the youth sitting across from me than anyone with the exception, perhaps, of the youth’s mother. Showing up with an ear is where my ministry begins.”
Look for an upcoming article on the Evolution of Grace, from parish church to Church of Grace and Truth Inside! April 6, 2024